Call for Abstracts
The ISMRC 2025 program will be focusing on Minimal Residual Cancer as Target of Cancer Immunotherapy and Liquid Biopsy from Discovery to Clinical Implementation.
The program will also include oral communications and poster presentations selected from submitted abstracts to support young investigators. We invite you to submit your abstract for consideration by our Scientific Committee for presentation at the 2025 ISMRC meeting in Nice.
Extended abstract submission deadline: 10 March 2025.
Necessary information for submission:
- Title of abstract
- Abstract text (max. 350 words)
- Topic
- Title, name, affiliation of the co-authors
Submission topics:
- Cancer Metastasis Biology
- Cancer Immunology
- Liquid biopsy-based Detection of primary Cancer and MRD
- Liquid Biopsy and Immuno-Oncology
- Immuno-prevention of Cancer Metastasis
- Monitoring of MRD
- Latest Developments in Liquid Biopsy

Formal criteria:
- Extended deadline for submission is the 10th March 2025.
- The abstract must not exceed 350 words.
- Adhere to the following structure: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- Avoid capital letters and abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations can be used in the text if they are defined at the time of the first entry.
- Figures and tables cannot be converted.
- Please make sure that your contribution does not contain any spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes as it will be published in the website's online programme as submitted.
- With the submission of a contribution, submitters must provide information about personal relationships with business enterprises and declare possible conflicts of interest. These are usually present if the submitter has an interest in or receives financial contributions from companies.
General information:
- All submitted abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers.
- After the Scientific Committee has reviewed all submissions, submitters will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email in the end of March 2025.
- The best submissions will be accepted as Oral Presentations. Further submissions can be accepted as Poster presentations. The best oral and poster presentations will be selected for Young InvestigatorAwards.
- All active participants of accepted abstracts will be required to register for the congress and pay the registration fee upon acceptance of the submission.
- No travel expenses will be reimbursed.
How to submit:
- Registration
Create a user account, activate it and register with the approriate fee. For submitting an abstract, it is not necessary to pay the fee. - Submit your Abstract
Start your submission by clicking on the "Call for Abstracts" button in your user account.